Our Approach And Commitment

At NESTCON, our strategic sustainability approaches are guided by our commitment to upholding sustainability towards driving growth, strengthening of operational efficiencies and managing risks with regards to Economic, Environmental and Social fronts to create long-term shared value for our stakeholders while securing the long-term success of NESTCON.

Our Sustainability Pillars

At NESTCON, our sustainable development is guided by our tireless efforts to be a responsible corporate citizen on the following aspects:
  • Nurturing environments for promoting human wellbeing
  • Cultivating integrity and positive strength in our communities
  • Ensuring a safe, respectful and empowering workplaces.
In our adoption of these best practices, we are guided by four main pillars:

We are committed towards ensuring excellent corporate governance guided by our policies and procedures and risk management to direct our business towards creating value for all stakeholders.


We are committed towards managing environmental impacts by implementing best environmental management practices guided by our comprehensive environmental management programme to ensure full compliance with environmental laws and regulations.


We are committed to play a role in advancing of society to a better tomorrow as well as enriching the lives of communities around us through community collaboration and initiatives that could benefit the public.


We are committed to deliver to the highest standard safety and health in the workplace to improve the well-being and engagement of employees as we acknowledge our people as our key assets and appreciate their invaluable contribution to the growth of NESTCON.